Margaret Knoll Lookout i Christmas Island

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Margaret Knoll Road, 6798, Christmas Island, CX Isla de Navidad
Kontakter telefon: +61
Latitude: -10.4770442, Longitude: 105.684126
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Kommentar 5

  • Shuying TAN

    Shuying TAN


  • Hiro Yoshida

    Hiro Yoshida


    Stunning view point! You can view the whole SE side of the island and often birds and bats flying cross the platform! Very easy access for most of people and only 50m walk from the car park! Must see place on CI!

  • Orla Larkin

    Orla Larkin


    Made me feel like I was in Jurassic Park. The view of the ocean is so beautiful and giant birds called Boobies fly overhead.

  • Luke Tscharke

    Luke Tscharke


  • Fredo Frog

    Fredo Frog


    Incredible view of the ocean from the platform here. Interpretive signs describe the sights and explain which seabirds or bats you can see soaring along the rocky cliffs below. The strong updraft cools you down and makes you wonder where all the hang gliders are.

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