Christmas Island Airport i Christmas Island

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Irvine Road, 6798, Christmas Island, CX Christmas Island
Kontakter telefon: +61 8 9164 8498
Latitude: -10.451208, Longitude: 105.6885454
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Kommentar 5

  • John Steed

    John Steed


    Found the island OK but the VOR was not working.

  • Naman Modi

    Naman Modi


    Nice planes. I loved this place before they got rid of all the good shops. Unfortunately Emirates does not fly here. It is very disappointing and there are places where airports are much better and where Emirates flies. I want more points.

  • Orla Larkin

    Orla Larkin


    Good regional airport, you can check in early and then come back for your flight just before boarding. There's a little café that sells (among other things) secondhand books for $2 so you can grab one and pass the time and forgive the lack of WiFi. The staff are great, nice friendly atmosphere.

  • Matthew McDonald

    Matthew McDonald


    Nice airport that's sized for the island, not sure why others are complaining about it lacking AC and other facilities when it's perfectly adequate for the limited number of flights each week.

  • Dave



    Its s regional airport. But no air conditioning other than cramped departure lounge. Insufficient seating, no wifi, no televisions, no nothing to pass the time. 1 food and drink outlet for toasted sandwiches and a selection of alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks.

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