Christmas Island Visitors Information Centre i Christmas Island

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🕗 Åbningstider

Christmas Island 6798, Christmas Island
Kontakter telefon: +61 8 9164 8382
Latitude: -10.4235909, Longitude: 105.6726837
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Kommentar 5

  • Hiro Yoshida

    Hiro Yoshida


    Friendly staffs who is very helpful in many ways and has the great selection on the CI gift ideas!

  • Jenny Marshall

    Jenny Marshall


    Very helpful, and a good range of souvenirs.

  • Orla Larkin

    Orla Larkin


    Pop in here when you arrive on the island. The staff are so lovely and happy to help and answer any questions. They were also really great before my arrival and were fantastic and booked car hire and accomodation for me. Also Optus does not have any coverage on the island so this is a good spot to get WiFi.

  • Matthew McDonald

    Matthew McDonald


    A good place to start when new to the island, plenty of information available as well as best ways to get around.

  • Fredo Frog

    Fredo Frog


    Really helpfull friendly staff, internet hotspot, beautiful ocean view, shame about the airborne dust spilling from the mine nextdoor, seemed to be an everday thing when i was there.. I hope the children's lungs are ok !

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