Christmas Island Post Office i Christmas Island

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412 CANBERRA PLACE, Christmas Island 6798, Christmas Island
Kontakter telefon: +61 8 9164 8495
Latitude: -10.426498, Longitude: 105.67308
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Kommentar 5

  • S S

    S S


    Some say Santa lives around here

  • Orla Larkin

    Orla Larkin


    One of those post offices that is full of STUFF, lots of stuff. If you're looking for something this place probably has it. Sells prepaid postcards with crabs on them that you can post anywhere in the world for $2.20 so good value, nice one AusPost.

  • Matthew McDonald

    Matthew McDonald


    Post Office with a similar size and layout to the smaller post offices on the mainland. Has a lot of the extras like toys that the mainland post offices stock.

  • Fredo Frog

    Fredo Frog


    Fantastic Post Office. The shop sells a huge range of stuff. Phones and electronics, Toys, books, stationary, stamps, gifts and heaps more. Very friendly staff and a free lollie..

  • Cepot Cell

    Cepot Cell



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