Christmas Island Lodge i Christmas Island

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61, Poon Saan Road, 6798, Christmas Island, CX Wyspa Bożego Narodzenia
Kontakter telefon: +61
Latitude: -10.4221894, Longitude: 105.6815167
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Kommentar 5

  • Deric Hong

    Deric Hong


  • Fredo Frog

    Fredo Frog


    I just want to point out that the pin identifying Christmas Island lodge is incorrectly placed. The lodge is the long narrow building immediately to the right, the building under the pin is the Poon Saan Shops and houses The Poolhall, Seaview Fish and Chips, Smash Cafe, Poon Su Coffee and Meng Chong Trading.

  • Orla Larkin

    Orla Larkin


    Basic but clean and tidy accomodation. Check in was a breeze, saw my room number posted at reception and the key was in the door and the aircon was on. There's communal cooking facilities with an electric cooker and each room has its own fridge, kettle and TV. The bathroom/shower room is ensuite. There's a little mini-mart next door and the outdoor cinema is 5 minutes walk away... handy. (You will need transport to get down to Flying Fish Cove.)

  • ronnie ronzz

    ronnie ronzz


    spend a week here with family...great for snorkeling and scuba diving

  • Juwai Saecheung

    Juwai Saecheung



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